Sustainable and Significant Company Profit Improvement

Hans-Gerlach Woudboer

Sustainable and Significant Company Profit Improvement

Who is it for:

-Company owners and CEOs of smaller and larger companies.

 Management and in particular

 -Business analysts.

 Especially the persons are addressed, who feel that sense of urgency when it comes to potential improvement of internal processes.

Exactly those people who question the status quo and ask themselves the following questions:

 -What influence do I have?

 -Which of these have the biggest impact?

 Here we use the laws of Pareto in combination with simulation options.

 In doing so, we immediately recognize the future possibilities.

 But it is also especially true for those Owners/CEOs who have the feeling that their earnings may be much higher.

 Who is responsible for improving the profitability in your company?

Sustainable and Significant Company Profit Improvement

 Is this position assigned to a department or employee?

 Does this person have every opportunity to bring the facts to the screen as needed?

 What is your main problem when it comes to improving the profitability of your company?

 Experience shows that the P&L, offers them no instructions for the implementation of an improved profitability situation.

 Oh yes, there’s a very simple approach:

 just make more sales!

 But in reality, the expense of finding new customers are much higher than analyzing the existing cost model and eliminating any waste.

Because this is sustainable and then you can make more sales with the same team, but first have greatly increased the profitability.

 If you want to change the profitability of a company, you first have to understand it!

Best on the basis of each transaction.

It is at the execution of the transactions where the decisions are taken that result in either a gain or a loss of that transaction.

Sustainable and Significant Company Profit Improvement

 And here, the best practices have to be set correctly and you and the management have to introduce appropriate systematic rules, which must be adhered to.

 These ensure that the respective order corresponds in terms of profitability to the minimum requirements.

 It must be so easy that the employees have this on the screen and decide accordingly.

 Orders without minimum profitability are simply not executed or are re-negotiated with the customer.

Good decisions require good models!

 As a decision-maker, however, you generally have no model that reflects the interactions of influences in your company.

 On the other hand, you would like to have a model of transparency so that you can turn things around and find out the best ways to improve your company’s processes and eventually the profitability through simulation.

 And these are then implemented in coordination with your management.

 Yes, but before you and your team really take the actions, of course, you both want to be sure that you understand what the situation looks like after implementation.

Sustainable and Significant Company Profit Improvement

 If you are interested in the topic and ask yourself, for example, does that apply to me as well?

 Then just make an appointment by calling the link below:…

and we can conduct a free half-hour briefing.